Website of a literary society, Elsa Grave-Sällskapet.
My Role
Webdesign, coding and webmaster
How I did it:
I received a request from the literary society, Elsa Grave-Sällskapet, to create a website around 1996.
I created the first, table based, website in 1996 presenting the Swedish poet Elsa Grave and her work and also the literary society
about her and her works.
I got a large envelope with articles and images that they wanted to put on the site. I started by sorting the materials into different categories to be able to create a plan for a site map and general structure of the site, first sketched out on paper
then in PowerPoint. I divided the material into things to do with the author and things to do with the literary society - and then into smaller and smaller chunks until I had a hierarchy that worked with the material.
I started creating the page and showed it to the society users in iterations. Once they were satisfied with the layout I continued with more pages. Many iterations later
all the materials provided were visible on the site. And the society were happy with the look.
The website was rebuilt to a responsive layout in 2016. As many of the users are non tech savvy the general look and feel was kept close to the old design.
The rebuild
not only gave mobile users access to the site but also meant updates became much easier. I decided to build in strict html 5 and CSS. Only one JavaScript is used, to obfuscate the email addresses, I did this as training as well as to keep
the code as clean as possible.
The society
has declined the suggestion to use a WordPress based blog for news and instead wishes me to manually update on request. 4-5 times a year. Besides the design I also enter new content as requested by the society.